Sunday, February 5, 2012

First Time User!

I'm not a savvy computer techy person in any way, shape or form but I'd like to join the craft festivities out in blogland!  I decided to start with the Papertrey Ink 5th Year Anniversary on Nicole Heady's blog found here.
Obviously I need to learn some photog tips but I'm going to take one set at time!  Inspiration came from Danielle Flanders.  This isn't usally my style but I love any opportunity to use a butterfly (or sparkly goodies).

I have not put a lot of thought into this yet but initaly I hope to share things that inspire me, show you my attempts at anything I may try and maybe some goodies here and there of what I'm up to here in WA (for the family ya know!)
I'm all for advice, ideas, criticism (don't be too harsh) and always your thoughts!
Wish me luck!

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